Wednesday, 9 December 2020: “There will be high Covid-19 risk in the workplace in January and employers need to put measures in place now for when staff return to work,” says Dr Rebaone Moshenyane, occupational medical practitioner at Workforce Healthcare. “Your staff may spend December in Covid hot spots like the Eastern and Western Cape or may go to restaurants and bars. Companies need to implement proactive measures to avoid a coronavirus outbreak in January.”
Workforce Healthcare offers fully integrated workplace and wellness programmes for 160 000 employees including Covid-19 screening, prevention and management.
Dr Moshenyane outlines the measures that employers should implement.
“It’s essential to do symptom checking for every staff member returning in January to ensure that infected staff do not enter the workplace and infect others. Those with Covid-19 symptoms should work from home or not come to work. If they test positive, they should self-isolate for 10 days from onset of symptoms. Workforce in collaboration with Healthy Living Consulting (HLC) has a Covid screening app, to support employers with this process.
“Employees have complained that the screening process takes too long because security staff are not properly trained and often don’t know what to do when someone presents with symptoms. Employers need to make sure this is addressed so that all employees are properly screened. Our network of nurses across the country can also support employers,” says Dr Moshenyane.
Virtual GP visit
“Symptomatic employees can go to their own doctors, but companies should explore options for virtual consultations such as those offered by Workforce Healthcare. These consultations allow employers to more easily monitor whether the employee has in fact consulted with a GP and are referred for testing if necessary,” she says.
Covid testing
“The GP will also decide whether the employee should be tested for Covid. Once tested, the staff member must share the result with their HR department or line manager, and follow the doctor’s orders. We streamline this process; help manage employees who test positive and handle the work clearance once the staff member recovers.”
Vulnerable employees
Moshenyane adds that, “Adults with certain diseases and weakened immune systems are at increased risk of severe illness from Covid-19 and employers have a duty to identify and protect them. These can include people suffering from conditions like heart disease, HIV, diabetes, asthma and cancer.
“Many employers do not know how many vulnerable employees they have. The new guidelines from the Department of Labour state that companies with more than 50 employees have to identify vulnerable employees. An app such as the one available through Workforce Healthcare and HLC is recommended to help with this.
“Employees do not have to indicate their condition, but they do have to let their employer know that they have a chronic illness. Companies are obliged to accommodate them and ensure that they are safe in the workplace or make another plan if the workplace is not ideal.
Antigen testing
“One of the flaws of screening is that many people with Covid are asymptomatic and do not know that they are infected. We recommend an antigen test which detects Covid-19 infection for high risk staff members. Results are available within one hour,” she explains.
Psychological issues
The pandemic has exacerbated many psychosocial issues due to stress, financial stress and grief. “Employees should have access to a 24/7 Covid-19 support lines manned by trained counsellors and psychologists. Workforce offers face-to-face counselling as well as virtual consultations,” she says. It is important that employees have a confidential outlet for their stress and fears.
Track and trace
“The contacts of infected employees must be traced to avoid further spread of the disease. Those contacts exhibiting symptoms should go to a GP while those who are asymptomatic should self-quarantine for 10 days and inform their doctor if they develop symptoms,” says Dr Moshenyane. This is easily done via the Covid support line, while tracking and tracing and follow up calls are done with employees to track if they begin to show symptoms. It can also help with any anxiety they may be experiencing.
2021 risk assessment
Moshenyane recommends that employers do a new risk assessment in January after re-opening offices that were closed during December. “Risk assessments determine the standards for social-distancing and sanitiser availability so the risk of Covid-19 is reduced in the workplace,” says Moshenyane.
Workforce Healthcare offers integrated employee wellness and assistance programmes as well as occupational and primary healthcare services to a large number of public and private companies across South Africa. Employers who require support for back-to-work 2021 should contact Workforce Healthcare for direction.
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